Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Maybe Someday...

On my list of things to do before I die: See Swell Season perform live. I was so close... They're performing here in SLC at the Jeanne Wagner Theater on November 28th, but sadly I will not be crossing it off my list this year. The show sold out so quickly, I never even had a chance. Someday...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Playing in the Leaves

This was just a random day during the week after work. Who could resist a big pile of freshly fallen leaves to jump into?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Random Obession: King Henry VIII and The Tudor Era

I know this sounds crazy, but I’ll explain… For a while I’ve been curious about Showtime’s “The Tudors”, secretly because I have a large crush on the actor that plays Henry (Jonathan Rhys Meyers). I’ve heard it was “just ok”, but I decided to give it an episode or two to see for myself. I was immediately hooked. I watched episodes whenever I could, which wasn’t very often. Angel had no interest, and it’s definitely not a show for Sonja. It got to a point where I just couldn’t wait between episodes anymore. I finally stayed up all night watching practically the entire 2nd season! By the time it was over, I was completely mesmerized. I continued to look online for more about King Henry and his six wives. Then I got into Queen Elizabeth, and now I want to learn all about her! My Netflix account is full of movies and documentaries about the Tudor era. It kind of spoiled the story as far as the show is concerned, but I couldn’t help myself. I’ve had dreams about it and everything. Obsess much? What will be next, Daniel Boone? Make a movie about him starring a hot actor and I’ll be all over it.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Los Donado's 2009

For those of you that didn't see this on Facebook, here's our family pictures taken this September. Stacy, you amaze me! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for capturing our family in such a beautiful way.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had a very busy Halloween...

Thursday, we carved pumpkins.

Friday, Sonja had a Halloween parade at school. This is what she probably had been doing throughout her whole march, until she got to us and we told her to use a different finger. Nice.

Then, we zoomed out to Tooele for Devenee's Halloween party.

Saturday afternoon, it was back to Sonja's school for a Halloween Carnival. They had storytelling, arts & crafts, a magic show, treats, and best of all... Cotton candy!!

Then, for the grand finale, we went to Chris and Breanna's for some trick-or-treating, and more festivities. Needless to say, Sunday we were couch potatoes! Happy Halloween!!

P.S. Thank you aunt Carolina for the Halloween gift card for Sonja. She used it to buy the decorations for her pumpkin and a new Halloween bag. We love you!!