Thursday, January 6, 2011

Incredible Christmas

Christmas was very special this year. Angel asked that we spend one Christmas at home instead of going to my parents’. He had a very specific vision of us camped out on the living room floor, him and I sneaking around the house playing Santa, and Sonja waking up surrounded by gifts and the magic of Christmas morning. And that’s exactly what he got. We made cookies on Christmas Eve, and Sonja wrote her letter to Santa. Then, when Sonja was knocked-out asleep, Angel and I scurried around the house, tip-toeing up the stairs, and gently placing the gifts under the tree, careful not to wake her up. We choked down Santa’s cookies, wrote a thank-you note from Santa, and went to sleep. At around 6:30am Sonja sat straight up, took one look at the tree, and loudly whispered, “Santa came! He really came!” We made her wait for coffee, hot chocolate, and cinnamon rolls to go into the oven before we opened gifts. We incorporated the traditions I had with my parents (that will always mean so much to me), and made it our own. It was incredible. 

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